Sunday, February 2, 2014


I know we shouldn’t, weren’t created to, live in the past. I know that’s why it is called the past.  Still, I can’t help wonder- if people are so willing to leave (college mind set) what’s the point in investing?  (Spoiler alert: there is a happy answer). I’ve come to find out, truthfully, there is a very significant point.  It’s the same point as growing flowers in a garden, observing butterflies as they land, purchasing a cute pair of jeans, and eating a warm batch of brownies.  You see, people don’t stay forever, flowers will die, butterflies will leave, jeans won’t fit, and brownies will be gone. However, fact: flowers are beautiful, butterflies are mesmerizing, those jean look great on you!, and the brownies? Well, the brownies cured a lot of broken hearts with their temporarily deliciousness. There is a point to everything.  Even if it’s just pure enjoyment. We don’t always need logic for all the answers.  Some things require emotions and feelings to answer their being and existence.  I know God created life to be felt not understood. So now, I welcome as many people to my heart as I can fit.  It may hurt to lose, but worth the pain is worth it.

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