Saturday, April 26, 2014

This ONE song.

This ONE Song

You know that moment? The movement when your favorite emotional song comes on shuffle and you automatically feel like you’re in a Lifetime movie? The best part- you’re on an airplane, and it’s taking off at the exact moment.  Or maybe you have to manipulate your iPod as the song synchronizing a little more nicely- for that added effect.  Nonetheless, you’re in that moment and through your headphones and heart, you think about everything.  EVERYTHING. Death. Joy. Love. Future. Failure. Passion. During this one song.
You’ve carried yourself away in thought.  Your mind is overwhelmed, and you love it.  You’re excited to feel.  You’re anticipating the next thought.  You don’t know which subject to invest the most time in.  You don’t care. You feel for a moment- your movie moment.  You look stupid to the world outside.  You’re acting way too dramatic, Grey’s Anatomy wouldn’t include you in an episode.  But you can’t help it.  Or you don’t try. During this one song.
Pictures come to mind and memories are rediscovered.  You laugh at your ridiculous life.  You thank God for your ridiculous life.  You secretly hope somebody can understand your thoughts completely. Then you realize how magical “self contemplation” is.  During this mini movie moment (nice alteration, huh?)  You have felt over fifty emotions and made a fool of yourself on twenty different accounts based purely on your facial expressions. During this one song. 
You assume the people wonder what you're listening to, because based your reactions to it- it holds the secrets to living and answers to life.  Then you realize- NOBODY is looking at you. People are whispering “nice to meet yous”. They’re doing sudoku in pen because they can. They are ordering soda because it’s free.  And you?  You just relived your life.  During this one song. 
Then the song ends. 

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Shut Up. Give Up. 

“I can’t complain”.   Actually, unless you’re dead, passed out, or mute you can.  “Won’t” is more accurate. Try saying that, “I won’t complain”.  It practically  changes the meaning completely.  If you “can’t complain”, you are staying that life hasn’t hit that point.  You know the breaking point.  The one where your day goes from “FANTASTIC! I LOVE MONDAYS!” to “if I see another human breathe one more time...”. That point.  I can’t complain is just waiting- almost hoping-  for that “thing” to happen.  Just flip you over, so that you CAN complain.  But “I won’t complain”, that’s stating something way different.  It’s saying no matter how bad this day gets- no matter how many “things” happen to me- I will choose not to complain.  Complaining just recreates the negative emotions in your heart, soul, body, and mind.  It’s literally reliving the crap in your life. Now, I am a firm believer in venting.  Just let it out.  Write it out. Scream it out.  Sing it out.  Run it out.  Then you need to shut up.  It’s over. It’s done. It’s out of the way.  It’s not relevant anymore. Like that crush you had in middle school that didn't give you a carnation on Valentine's day- I mean February 14th.  No big deal.  I mean it's not like I'm still waiting.  I've forgiven you, Zach Winton.   ANYWAY. When you don’t verbalize the dirt in your day all the time, you’ll realize it makes you way more joyful. Because, when you complain, like worrying, it takes away from what God’s blessed you with.  Usually the worst things, are the funniest. You just have to look for the humor.  Like when I failed that Chemistry test, History test, and didn't remember my English essay in one day.  SO FUNNY. Right mom and dad? So funny. ha. ha. ha. We're all laughing now.... 
The second thing, is to give up. Just give up already! Nobody is expecting you to have a the best day every day.  And most likely you won’t, so when that happens just give it up.  Let it go. (Disney had to ruin that saying for me).  But really- just give up.  It can get so exhausting holding on the horrible in your life.  It’s physically, emotionally, and spiritually draining.  Give up.  Take a nap. And then focus on the good. The flowers out of the dirt. The hilarious out of the horrible. Ephesians says, to stop all the bad talk- the complaining, the gossiping, the inappropriate stuff- and to say the right thing at the right time.  Now, I think that’s really important. “the right time”.  “... and then all of a sudden, my new puppy ran into the street and a car came...” “OH SHUT UP! GIVE UP ALREADY!”.  Might not go over so well. We still need to be understanding and take time into consideration.  Ephesians continues to say, “help others with what you say”.  So, if it’s not helping but actually hindering- be smart- you may need to back away.  
Feeling low today?  I’ve got some great words of encouragement for you-
Shut Up.
Give Up.
Better already?

*Ephesians 4 (CEV)