The Cool Life
Christians can’t be cool. That’s what society has told us. As a young adult in this world, I can honestly say that negative connotation couldn’t be further from the truth. Sky diving, becoming a college athlete, kissing a stranger, traveling the world, eating pickled pigs feet, and running a marathon. Those are goals, dreams, aspirations that we as humans find silly, dumb, and even gross but meaningful.
Here’s a thought:
what if those lists became reality?
And maybe we aren’t worried about the cost, whether it be financially speaking or consequently. The problem I have come to see is the very intoxicating and addicting ability to over think every opportunity. I don’t mean to go out and do something illegal and highly dangerous without putting thought into it. I’m talking plain and simple: faith. There is a fine line between being logical and being a control freak. There comes a moment, when we settle. That’s too expensive. That’s too scary. That will never happen. Backpacking in Europe is way too crazy. That college is way too expensive. I’m not confident in myself to do that.
Let the psyching out begin.
Don’t you think, serving a huge God, that He wants His followers to live extraordinary lives? Do you honestly think He wants His followers to live mundane lives? So the only people that believe and follow Him are cubical workers and routine addicts?
God wants us to be cool. Seriously, why would He want to be promoted by people who don’t trust Him enough to make their dreams come true? Why would the creator of everything want His people to be lame? He wants us to live exciting and intriguing lives! We weren’t created to be alive.
We were created to live!
Our purpose, as Christians is to live a life that no human could possibly take credit for creating.
And to love every single person along the way.
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