Friday, June 10, 2016

Get mad at Reese Witherspoon.

I’m just going to get straight to the point.  I got into a car accident today.  It sucked.  The other driver was in the wrong, a sixteen year old with a sketchy temporary (paper) license.  To put lightly, I was frustrated. Very. Because of his negligence, we both suffered.  I was shaken, annoyed, crying, upset, pissed, worried, and frantic.  Was anybody hurt?  What do I do?  Who do I call?  I can’t afford this.  I don’t live here.  I just want to go home.  What happens now? 

Well, here’s what happens: 
Call the police.
Police show up.
Get statements.
Get information. 
Police Officer 1 tells me, “It’s okay, sweetie, stop crying. Everything will be just fine.  Thank God everybody is safe.”
Keep crying.
Police Officer 1 says, “Everybody from Oklahoma is so sweet.  You’re going to be okay.”
Keep crying.
Police Officer 2 shows up.  Tells Police Officer 1 to leave, and that he’s got it from here. Tells me to “Stop crying. What happened?”
Immediately, do not like Police Officer 2.
Hug Police Officer 1 before he leaves.  Probably too aggressive.  Awkward, but much needed.
Drives home.
Cries on couch.
Cries to best friend.
Cries in the shower.
Wonders why so much crying.
Remembers to change her tampon.
Crying makes sense.
Contemplates life.
Feels defeated.
Wants to be alone.
Little sister doing cartwheels in living room.
Instant urge to trip her.
Looks at Instagram.
Gets mad at Reese Witherspoon.
She probably has a personal driver.
Gets off Instagram.
Contemplates life more.
Tries to get positive juices flowing.
Hates the thought of  any "juice" flowing.
Thinks, there’s gotta be some good out of this
Yes. (list inside a list):
            Nobody was hurt.
            I’ll be a better driver because of this.
            I know what to do in this situation.
            My car and I have matching scars.
            Got to hug a police officer.  
            Excuse to never listen to Britt Nicole again.
            Everything will be fine. Literally.

When people refer to life as, “it is what it is” it’s usually choked with negativity or defeat.  But really, it’s opportunistic.  It is what it is.  There’s nothing defeating about that.  We can complain about our lives, or accept it and find an eternal peace in it. For those who decide to read this and are going through way harder times than a car accident (and I know many of you are) it will be okay.  This isn’t like a passing statement.  I know I’ve written about this before, but “okay” just means normal.  And that might mean you have to find a new normal.  But normalization will come.  

My dad’s wife said, “ChloĆ©, this is day-by-day.  Don’t make a storm out of everything.  If you do, you’ll be old sooner.”  She handed me a glass with ice water and one package of Splenda (I didn’t question it) and left me with those words. And so will I.

(This did not happen from the wreck.  Just showing the similar scars.)